Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Teplotex-Komplekt factory.

Export of Products

Export of Teplotex-Komplekt products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Teplotex-Komplekt products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Teplotex-Komplekt: deaerators and accessories, sumpers, battery tanks, air collectors, tanks, equipment for fuel oil treatment, air purification filters, sludge traps, reagents, heating registers and screens, heat exchangers, chimneys
  • Deaerators and accessories Teplotex-Komplekt
    Deaerators and accessories
    YES, DV, KDA, BDA, OVA, etc.
  • Sampling refrigerators Teplotex-Komplekt
    Sampling refrigerators
    HD‐125‐4, D‐133, etc.
  • Steam, air, sludge separators Teplotex-Komplekt
    Steam, air, sludge separators
    SP-150/40, SV-100/40, etc.
  • Sludge traps and activators Teplotex-Komplekt
    Sludge traps and activators
    FSM, HMS, etc.
  • Air collectors, tanks, tanks Teplotex-Komplekt
    Air collectors, tanks, tanks
    Series A1I, VSG, VSV, B, etc.
  • Fuel oil filters, heaters Teplotex-Komplekt
    Fuel oil filters, heaters
    FM, FMB, PM, PMR, etc.
  • Filters Teplotex-Komplekt
    FIPa, FOV, FSU, FMM, FMF, etc.
  • Mud trucks Teplotex-Komplekt
    Mud trucks
    TS-565, TS-566, TS-567, TS-568, etc.
  • Heat exchange equipment Teplotex-Komplekt
    Heat exchange equipment
    PP, GDP, OP, ODA, etc.
  • Heating registers and screens Teplotex-Komplekt
    Heating registers and screens
    RG, RGZ, ES, etc.
  • Chimneys Teplotex-Komplekt
    single - barreled , etc .
  • Reagents, dosing systems Teplotex-Komplekt
    Reagents, dosing systems
    NTF-Zinc, Complexon, etc.


For sales and support please contact